- 高等学校
New Zealandターム留学②
New Zealandターム留学は、早くも1か月が過ぎました。
Today I went to the monthly market. There were lots of shops in normally uncrowded places and the place was crowded. I ate croissants and ice cream there. They were very tasty. There was a goat there. The goat was very docile and I was able to take photos with him.

I am surprised that it has been almost a month since I arrived. Every day I feel the best of both Japan and NZ. I am grateful to all the Kiwis who help me a lot with my life and classes.
【K.Tくん】2月25日(日)の『JAPAN DAY』に向けてソーラン節を特訓中⁉
In the 4th week, we started to practice Soranbushi for the Japan Day again. But, we are still not well because each other couldn’t understand about Soranbushi. Next Sunday is Japan Day. So, we have to hurry. I want to practice Soranbushi hard.

『JAPAN DAY』で息の合ったソーラン節を披露できるといいですね。ガンバレ!