- 中学校
- 高等学校
- English Rakugo Workshop – 30 min.
(1) This workshop kicks off with a quick introduction of rakugo followed by a
performance of a few short stories (10 min.).
(2) The participants will then break up into groups and choose one short story for the
group. The instructor will visit each group to show how to perform the story in a
rakugo style including such points as “kamishimo” (directions of the speaker,
gestures, tone of voice etc.) , movement and gestures. (10 min.)
(3) Finally, volunteers from each group will perform a short story on stage (10 min.).
(4) The instructor will give closing remarks. - Bilingual Rakugo Show – 40 min.
(1) Brief Introduction of Rakugo (5 min.)
(2) Rakugo Performance 1 (Japanese) (15 min.)
(3) Rakugo Performance 2 (English) (15 min.)
(4) Bamboo Mat Show (Tamasudare) (5 min.