- 中学校
Visit by Ishihara Kazuyuki
Visit by Ishihara Kazuyuki (Landscape designer)
Shiba Kokusai has a unique entrance compared to most schools. It is adorned with a magnificent garden of native plantings, with something blooming in every season of the year. The designer of the entrance garden, Kazuyuki Ishihara, visited our school to address the students of 1-D and other interested students.
IIshihara sensei explained the concept of the garden in front of our entrance and introduced other garden projects he created, some of which the students have seen, for example the garden at Haneda Airport.
The lecture by Ishihara Sensei is the second part of an English language study project that extends notions found in the student textbook. The first part was a photography activity in the
garden focusing on a favorite plant found in the garden. Choosing their best image, each student made a poster including the name of the plant in Japanese, English and the Latin scientific name and a comment on why the particular plant was chosen.
The final step is to design an imaginary garden, in pairs or a small team, using the same plot of
land visible from the windows of the classroom. We look forward to seeing what kind of concepts and models the students will create.
It is hoped, with the interest shown, that a garden club can be organized at Shiba Kokusai
in the near future.
芝国際のエントランスは、地元の植物で飾られた庭園になっており一年中どの季節にも花が咲いています。 エントランスガーデンの設計者である石原和幸先生が、特別授業で来校されました。
石原先生の講義は、生徒の教科書にある概念を拡張する英語学習プロジェクトの第2部です。 第1部は、庭園で見つけたお気に入りの植物に焦点を当てた写真撮影アクティビティでした。 各生徒は、最高の画像を選択し、日本語、英語、ラテン語の学名で植物の名前と、その植物を選んだ理由についてのコメントを含むポスターを作成しました。